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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

How You Can Prevent Fires in Your North Shore Home?

8/10/2023 (Permalink)

smoke alarm he most important thing to know to help prevent a fire in your home is to recognize the various sources in which a fire can start.

There is no doubt that we never know when a fire disaster can occur. However, there are many things you can do to help prevent the chance of a fire in your North Shore home. The most important thing to know to help prevent a fire in your home is to recognize the various sources in which a fire can start.

How Can a Fire Start in My Home?

Fires can start from all sorts of places. Below are the most common to start:

  • The Kitchen
  • Heating Equipment
  • Household Appliances
  • Electronics and Outlets
  • Storage Areas

To prevent a fire from occurring in the places listed above, make sure to check them frequently to see if they are in safe working order. Make sure to keep dust out of these areas and clean them frequently. Give the appliances in your kitchen and the items listed plenty of space so they do not catch anything close to it on fire. For more detailed information on how to prevent a fire, check out this Article from The Red Cross.

You are not alone when taking back your home after a fire disaster. SERVPRO of Downtown Pittsburgh/Team Dobson are Here to Help. For more information and immediate assistance, give us a call at (412) 474-0911 or visit our Website.

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